So Near And Yet So Far

Byre's Hill and Hopetoun Monument from Markle, East Lothian. I went out for a ride in the late afternoon, intending to get to Byre's Hill - but this is as far as I got. I was reading recently about using zoom for landscapes, so with a good view of the hill I trudged across a field and zoomed in.

Big Byre's Hill.

I had a bit of time after the children went off today and since I'm in this postcard mailing list, I decided to get some Blips printed as postcards. After a bit of research I found that Vistaprint is cheap, but only do one image per 100 cards and take an age to deliver; Photobox do minimum of 10 cards per image; Snapfish will do however few you like. So I ended up getting 4 each of 25 images for £30. Then I used the Snapfish voucher code for £6 off cards. Then I used the "40 free prints" joining offer. So... a load of cards coming for not too much.

Now to buy tons of stamps...

Then on Facebook I saw that an old pal who emigrated to America is in the pub tonight, so roll back 20 years! Off I go to Edinburgh.

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