
Today's the day .......................... to catch up with family

Meet my sister - Marj.

She's come to stay for the weekend and it's great to have her here.  She has come particularly this weekend because on Saturday I shall be singing Bob Chilcott's St John Passion  in a concert put on by my choir.  Marj also sings in a choir down in Reading where she lives - and they did the exact same piece a few weeks ago.  So she'll be interested to see how we get on with it.  No pressure then!

And while she's here, we can get up to date on all the major 2016 cycling races of the world and the cyclists that will be taking part.  She's an expert on them.  In fact she's an expert on an amazing number of unrelated subjects - all of which will keep us amused without any trouble.

Have a good weekend everyone ..........................!  

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