Polly's Pictures

By PollyH

Plum Blossom

Very wet day today.  No 2 son decided it was a good time(????) to put down some hexagonal flagstones a friend has given me to tidy up the end of my garden. We both got covered in mud (I was there in a supervisory capacity of course, tea provider and cleaner up of tools etc.)  We now have to make 2 o 3 trips to the tip to dispose of all the bits of crazy paving I put down years ago and a lot of chopped of tree roots.  It would be good if we had some heavy rain to wash everything down and then some hot sun to dry it all off, but I don't think the powers that be are going to oblige.
I then filled the washing machine with muddy clothes and filled the bath for a luxurious soak with yet another cup of tea.

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