Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


Walking home tonight I saw these ducks in the park, drinking from the puddles. Not a sight you see every day.

Last weekend our neighbour on the bottom floor gave us all a few quotes to get our stair painted. We were to look at them then tell her a) if we wanted to get it done and b) what company we wanted to use. My immediate thought was no as it was a bit on the pricey side. I emailed her with a few questions and one of them was, what happens if someone says no. She replied saying it wouldn't be able to get painted. I didn't want to be the only one who says no and for them to know it was me. All week I have been stressing about it and have lost sleep over it.

This morning I met another neighbour and we talked about it. She is saying no too. Phew! I mentioned I was going to email her and she asked if I could add her name to my email.
So tonight I emailed her and it turns out her and I are the only two who said no. I'm glad its over and I don't have to worry anymore and I won't have an empty bank account!

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