Carolina's journal

By Carolina

Ubehebe Crater

This crater is in Death Valley on the Northern end.  It is about one half mile across and 500 feet deep.   I took a few pictures of people running down into it and on the computer they are smaller than ants.   there are several smaller craters in back of where I am standing over my left shoulder and my right.    We were glad to have gone here in the morning as the light was really great.    The haze was coming into the valley to the south and eventually got cloud cover for half the day down there and then cleared out somewhat in the afternoon.   We went on a hike around 2:30  and it was about 93 degrees.  We were glad for all the shady spots along the canyon walls and for water!  ( don't forget the breeze!)   it was a lovely walk with wonderful views .     There were still some wild flowers left over from the super bloom so I was happy with the amount of flowers we saw.       Thanks for all great comments  and stars for my recent offerings!!    the extra is the Coal behive fireplaces. 

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