Artsy Fartsy

By GeorgiaM99


Went out sailing this afternoon after doing some English revision. It was a 'pre assessment' assessment for my instructor course next week (which I'm doing so that I like.. 'Level up' in the instructing world.. Haha and I'll get paid more for teaching. So I was out on the water with my friend Chris in a Sport Fourteen which was... Interesting, to say the least (it was ridiculously tricky to control it.) Especially as I don't really ever sail two man boats except for instructing and it was bigger than was in used to.

Then, after a while Chris and I swapped with (another) Chris and Adam into a Pico each which was a bit better as I'm used to them because my club uses them for teaching.

I then got home just after 6, coloured in some more of my colouring book, ate tea, and made another rhubarb crumble (although I put apple in it too because we were lacking rhubarb (I thought there was more that had grown than there was.. Oops) so I improvised) safe to say, it went down well and tasted pretty good.

Had a nice day all in all, knackered though. Sailing today made me realise how out of shape I am after not sailing for six months...


Day 29

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