It's in here somewhere . . .

. . . in there deep but it's in there.  I got it! (see extra)

Had a great time at my monthly MS support group meeting last night.  We had a few items of business and then open discussion.  

 I had my Friday lunch with Birgit where I got to hear all about her trip to Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Although it was 63ºF/17ºC and cloudy, I opted to sit outside for a couple of hours this afternoon.  Even while sitting in my beach chair, I had to play ball with Whitey!  Peace was on my lap and I wanted to read but Whitey would have none of it.  The fact that sitting down with a cat on my lap made throwing aim poor and the ball often in the bushes, didn't put Whitey off.

It's Friday everybody - have a wonderful weekend. 

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