
By arla

acupuncture and cupping today

I was so glad to go back to the traditional chinese medicine doctor - - in old school - chinese format - beauty of herbs brewing as you walk in the small office door, Dr Fan - reading my pulse and looking at my tongue - - I will be seeing her once a week now trying to get my body sorted out. Nobody tells us really what can happen during menopause.  We seem to only hear it as a word and everyone goes somewhat quiet. It has been profound for me - - debilitating - and I am seeking for all kinds of solutions from every source. Trying not to try them all at once.  But the more women I speak to that HAVE had a hard menopause the more I realize it is something that is hidden. I had no idea.  I could have been preparing for it years before.  I could have learned to handle stress in a different way.  So today I am back with acupuncture - and we will see how that goes. I felt great right afterwards.  The anxiety seemed to return in a few hours - but am glad to be on with this treatment now....  I am trying to learn also to embrace it as a right of passage - a change - and allow the change to happen - and not fight what the body wants to have happen. I have good books for this angle now ... Susun S. Weed for one...

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