Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

Mummy & I have problems with my hair every day,
This morning fed up, she puts down the hair brush,
says enough is enough, and makes a phone call,
A hair dressers was to be my next place to visit,
She didn't warn them, instead she just told daddy,
*off you go you two, good luck!*
Daddy worried for the hairdressers,
stared at mummy like she was mad,
realized it was just him and me,
gave in and off we went,
the words of Not to short,
nothing drastic, echoing in our ears,
Once there, he warned them of me and my battles,
Ha, I wasn't having that,
so I proved him wrong,
good as anything, I jumped into the chair,
chatted about my baby brother,
helped hold a brush and clipped,
got confused when she showed me a mirror,
and said look at the back,
Not once did I moan, Not once did I make a fuss,
and this is the result,
from a mess of blonde locks,
to a headful of tidy hair,
my curls are still there,
but its sooo much easier to have,
my head feels lighter,
and I keep flicking it with my hand,
I love my new hair,
daddy loves my new hair,
Mummy is still getting used to it,
Shorter then expected,
but how much better does it look,
a proper lil girl now!

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