Looking back

Today, Run Timaru held it's annual Back to Back Relay. This is Lee Anne ahead of Martina and Running Sparkle (AKA Rebecca). This relay is a fun event where we paired the Fastest Runner with the Slowest and the team with the lowest points wins. Points are as you cross the line in your finishing position and then calculated. Today Ben and Walter were paired Walter is 77 however Walter was a Dark Horse today crossing the line in first and Ben in 3rd 4 points where Jesse the Fastest in the Club and Rowena the slowest paired finished Rowena 2nd and Jesse 4th 6 points. The course is simple you start together and then teams run in opposite directions meeting along the course the faster runner covering more ground when you meet swap batons turn around and run back to the finish line. Last year we had 3 teams this year we had 9 plus a few on the side line.

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