A Very Long Disney Day

We had breakfast early to make use of our magical hours- not that we got much use of them as Nelly and me spent most of that time queuing to go on Orbitron.  That's the thing about Disney- it's rubbish spending so long in the queues but you immediately forget as the rides are great and your kids love them so much.  Nelly was only a few centimetres too small for Space Mountain so Floss took Betty on (which is why we ended up going on Orbitron)- anyway Floss was fairly traumatised by Space Mountain and hurt his neck, poor thing.  Going on the Buzz Lightyear ride was good though- predictably Floss scored highest.
After this we queued for a reservation at the Princess Pavillion- it poured down and we were all soaked.  Properly soaked and we ended up buying the Disney poncho's of shame.  We had to go back to the hotel to divest ourselves of our soaking jackets and change our shoes.
Back down at the park we watched Goofy's Garden Party, then we split up so Nelly could go on the Pinocchio ride (that had scared Betty when she was wee) and me and Betty went to the Indiana Jones ride.  We then managed to lose each other so Floss and Nelly saw the parade, me and Betty didn't really as we were running around missing each other in a comedy of errors.  After this it poured again and I was about greeting with sore feet.  We did get a wonderful family selfie in our ponchos of shame though.
The Princess Pavillion was a bit of a swick, you only get to meet one- we were received by Ariel.  When we came out it was relatively quiet so we went on It's a Small World and the teacups again, before the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.  Nelly was fascinated that the ride goes through a restaurant and people were actually having their dinner!
We went to Annette's Diner for our dinner- waitresses on roller skates and the biggest burgers ever, then we went to see the fireworks- they were awesome!  I love fireworks but these were fireworks, lights and water effects all combined- amazing!  It nearly made my poor feet worth it.

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