Wood And Stone. Leitz Summicron 50mm DR
I had some time to spare this morning while my Editor had her hair appointment, so off I went down to the river. The Town of Watertown has spent the last year creating a lovely walkway with benches and platforms reaching out over the water. I happened upon it. The walkway is set up for the sight-impaired (not surprising since the world-famous Perkins School for the Blind is just a couple of blocks away), with a stainless-steel cable set at hand height along one side of the path. Hanging on the cable are wooden blocks of different shapes indicating the position of beautiful, engraved panels giving information about the geological formation of the river itself and the flora and fauna which reside along its course. The whole concept is very elegant and the construction well executed. I found this imaginative sigmoid bench made of what looks to be cedar or redwood supported by granite. I was particularly taken by the mortise and tenon joints in the two materials. Here it is in varying degrees of detail.
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