Mr John

By MrJohn

Cats .....

..... on roofs

This evening I have taken Mr M and Alison out for a steady run. It has been Mr M's first run since coming out of hospital seven weeks ago, considering all he has been through he did really well. It has also been my first run since going over on my ankle after training a couple of weeks ago.

After feeling down in the dumps for a few days, I'm feeling a lot perkier after yesterday's bike ride. It seems all I needed was a bit of excercise to get the endorphins flowing again.

I've worn a brand new pair of trainers tonight which have felt nice and bouncy but are far too white, If my ankle still feels ok tomorrow I will have to go for a run through some mud so they are slightly less blinding.

Today I've been covering some leave at work so will only have one day off this week ( tomorrow ), it also means the only chance I've had to take photos today has been on the run. I took four photos and the choices for today's blip were :

1 : A couple walking up a hill with their arms over each others shoulders ( the chap was walking as though he was drunk )

2 : Youths gathered in the memorial gardens in town doing what groups of youths do. They all had hoodies on exept one who was wearing a Barbour jacket ( this is Ilkley, after all ).

3 : Alison running past the garage sign, which currently has the word 'HOE' on it. I showed Alison and she laughed, but I decided against blipping it.

In the end I have chosen the first photo I took on the run, at the top of Mr M's street. There are dozens of cats that live down the street and they all vie for the best postitions to watch for passing birds and mice. The roofs of the coal sheds seems to be a favourite spot for many of the local cats.

So today's blip is .....

..... Cats on roofs.

Post script :

Thank you all once again for all the coments stars and faves on yesterday's Alison on Middleton moor blip, it hit the spotlight page this evening.
woo hoo !

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