350th Anniversary

Although we have lived in Alfaz Del Pi for more than 30 years......today we explored places we have never seen beforehand!
We joined a small group on a 'Photographic Walk' ....which is part of the Cultural Week, celebrating the 350th Anniversary, since a 19 km Water Channel, a "Sequia" was built, from the 'Natural Springs of Polop', close to the mountains, bringing water to the village. The village was dependent on agriculture, and so the building of The Mare Aqueduct and the arrival of water, was a major milestone.....and led to the village of Alfaz Del Pi, becoming an independent municipality.
Our guide for the morning, Santa, was a very knowledgeable staff member from the Natural Park Sierra Helada.....and he knew where to take us!
Today, I had a choice of several interesting photos, but I've chosen this one...... an aqueduct, part of the historic water system, located several hundred metres from the nearest tarred road..... for my Blip.

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