Another day goes by

By WelshSi

Harley Davidson

Not a bad little 2 wheeler turned up at work today, so I had to take a little snap with my phone.

Today was to be a good day, the weather was lovely and tonight was the last comp in camera club before the summer break. The topic was B&W and i entered the max of 3 images and I was feeling quite confident all day.

Well, was i disappointed or was i disappointed.

Image one
He said it was good technically but found the girl un engaging and the background was distracting.

Image two
He thought this was better and liked the white vignette but again the background was distracting and he didn't like the grain. I added more grain to make it a bit different and gritty, ballsed that up, lol.

Image three
Well this was his fav, well sort of. He wasn't sure about the black background and thought the face was slightly out of focus.

Needless to say i came nowhere, but thanks to my twitter pals they managed to put a smile on my face.

Now i know it doesn't matter in the real world as it is only for fun as there is nothing at stake. Photography is personal and if you like what you create then nothing else matters. But now and again its lovely to find that others regard your ability to capture the moment special, just like getting a spotlight, lol. Now theres another story, but I've gone there before and got no response off the powers that be.

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