campervan man

By campervan


We went to see Billy, our Scottie, today - he has been in the vets since last Tuesday and this was only the second visit.
He has not been well for some time but the vets and the specialists can not work out what is wrong. Its his kidneys and possibly liver but they cannot sort out how bad they are. He was at the vets a couple of weeks ago when they started infection treatment and re-hydrated him. He came home but was gradually deteriorating until Tuesday when he did not eat. He has been on a drip since then, plus other drugs and yesterday he showed interest in food for the first time. Today he was bright and waggy tailed. 
Although this was wonderful to see we are having to accept this improvement might be due to the re-hydration, something that can not be done constantly. It could be that we have to make some very unpleasant choices soon. We hope to get him home tomorrow and plan to enjoy every minute we still have with him.

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