Orange Crowned Warbler

I was driving around on this Sunday afternoon and saw a yellow bird in a tree by the road; luckily, I was in a place where I could stop and take a few photos. I had a difficult time choosing which photo to Blip. This was the one my husband thought was best, the extras are the ones I was leaning toward. They all seemed good to me for different reasons.

After our church services today, we stayed and put together about 100 layettes for new moms in 3rd world country. We have been collecting the needed items for about a month. It was fun doing something together and it feels good to do something that seem to be helpful. LWR organizes the distribution where most needed.

Another beautiful day, although a bit warm for me at 85 degrees F. I saw a new bird outside my kitchen window today, but he flew before I got my camera ready. Maybe tomorrow he will be back. Or I will get an eagle shot of one of our near by eagles.

Thanks for the kind comments on my friendly nuthatch. I agree that they are very pretty birds.  

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