Opening up the house....

Dear Diary,

Finally, I was able to open the windows and put down the screens.  It felt wonderful to let all that fresh air pour into the rooms.  I sat on the patio for the first time with my coffee.  We reached 75F by late afternoon.  Everything seemed to reverberate with joy, even the wild turkeys were gobbling up a storm.  Every living creature seemed to be be rejoicing in our lovely spring weather.

Spring is nature's way to say, "Let's party!" - Robin Williams

I saw who I thought  was Gaylord at the seed bowl, tail illuminated in the light so I snapped a picture of him but something just didn't seem right.  When I got the photo on my computer and saw that nose...EGAD!  Who was that fellow? (Extra photo.)  With that huge nose, it certainly wasn't Gaylord!  I've named him Jimmy for the old comedian Jimmy Durante, also nicknamed "The Schnoz" for his rather large nose.

He was quite amusing to watch for a while until the real Gaylord, with his tiny button nose, came and chased him away.  Always some new drama in the back yard.  I could never be bored!  Off to the druggist today for some poison ivy relief as it is spreading and quite uncomfortable.

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