Miam! Miam!

.......as the French say! Only it was Italian food - I wonder what the Italian for 'Yum!' is?

I don't tend to do food photography but I'm all for variety in my blips (even if I do have a bit of an obsession with some things - like the sun and my fisheye lens :)). So today, it's a blip of my lunch. Not just any old lunch but a lunch out with my Monday coffee group friends to celebrate my birthday and the birthdays of two others in the group - I know, it's now nearly a month since my birthday..... I wonder how much longer I can make it last......? :))

Afterwards, a stroll by the river taking photos of bubbles, ducks, milky water, wrought iron railings...... as you do! Then home for a short while before going off to camera club. It's DPI of the Year night tonight and I've submitted two images but there won't be any marks, just comments and the possibility of having an image 'held back' and, of course, an overall winner. I won't be holding my breath! :) 

Many thanks for everything on recent blips!


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