What I've Done

By JohnGravett

O is for Osprey

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No apologies for two Osprey blips in a week - I love them.

Had a fascinating day - visited Fort Myers, and the homes of Thomas Edison, and his neibour, Henry Ford. Amazing houses, and a really interesting tour. Thomas Edison lodged a new patent every year for 65 years! There's a fact I didn't know. His garden had the most impressive array of trees, including mangoes, figs, bananas, and a banyan tree, that started it's life as a 4" wide by 4' high; now occupies over an acre! As the branches grow out, they drop shoots, which turn onto root systems as they reach the ground.

From there we went on to  Bonita beach, where the array of houses along the shore were amazing; many with a dozen or so security cameras. One had it's own observatory, another was a fantastic art deco white / blue glass creation.

It was on this beach I was buzzed by this Osprey, if you do look at it large, you'll see it's looking straight down the camera lens!

Last day tomorrow, back to the marshlands to try to avoid the mosquitos.

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