
By Cari

sunshine kitty

Caught Findus soaking in some rays in the corner of the living room!
She is starting to relax some but still is in 'flight' mode when someone walks into the room. I wonder if that is going to be a trait of hers or if it is just leftovers from being alone and she will get less spooked over time...?

There is a pretty decent thunder and lightening storm going on right now. It is passing over us pretty quickly. It has been so muggy the past few days.

Had tickets to go see someone called Charlie Freak at a local pizza bar called Rogers Zoo. Now doesn't THAT sound like it could be a ton of fun?! I would have liked to have gone but wasn't feeling up to it so we gave the tickets to one of the gals at work. She lives right next to the place so it will be fun for her to go with friends then be able to walk right home! Looking forward to hearing how it was!

I'm pretty tired so off to bed. Hope everyone is having a nice week!

Happy Thursday

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