not a Daily Blipper

By suzy

We had a lovely time a cuppa on the seafront till just after this

The story is this:

Rocky loves looking over the little wall at the birds that feed at the tables in this garden and this cat lives in one of the flats
Well today he saw Rocky and arched his back so I got rocky past and carried on.

Now just down the road there is a little garden that you can sit in and enjoy the sun. So me and Rocky was having five when I got up his lead slip out my hand and he was off down the road with me running after him

He stopped at the wall looking at the birds thank god he stayed there as I could not od got him

He knew he had done wrong as when he got home and went straight to his bed did not move and was giving me stink eye

All over a photo of a cat and for rocky to look at a bird table

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