Tiny jay's feather (3cm)

My entry for Tiny Tuesday - thank you JDO for hosting

So sorry - none of my links is working.  See Himself's anwer about what to do to open them.  They come up with an extra http:// at the end of the link when you open and you need to cross it off.in your browser bar for it to work

And now my accolades for Derelict Sunday  - in no particular order, from the 49 excellent entries, my hearts go to:

The half undressed rose (so described by rainie) by Lizellen
The school thunderbox that makes me wince discovered by the intrepid trespassing freespiral
The Beach jetty closet/beach hut/bathing machine/wardrobe  that made me laugh by DesertCamel
The ruined women's college which must have seen so many happy days by pkin
The muck spreader that brought back many smelly memories of dragging one around behind my orange Allis Chalmers tractor as a teenager  by johnsmiley1321

The Highly Commended mentions go to: Teasel
for one of her four entries - she was surrounded by dereliction this week
The bleak Watch Tower by Veronica
The evil looking turkey vultures sitting hopefully on the doomed barn by Naturelover
The bleak windswept trees and croft by JanetHH
The gently subsiding cottage by Incredibish
The perfectly placed pony by AH14
The colourful stone barn by Soletrader
The faded elegance of the garden seat by Ladyhelen
and finally, for persuading/conning his father to grind his path away  Ubernoob
Well done everybody!

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