Morning Corfe

There was quite a ruckus last night as I got to bed. Owls hooting all over the place! I wasn't optimistic of a good dawn so I didn't make any special arrangements. 

When I did look out at 6.30 I saw that there was some lovely colour in the sky so I leapt out quick and got on the path that leads down to Corfe from my campsite. I dropped down to a point where there's a great view of the ruined castle but the sun was just above and to the right. The contrast was ridiculous. Even HDR failed because sun spots ruined the darker areas. Once the sun got up a bit more it became easier and my blip only needed one spot removing (unless I've missed any, of course).

Anyway, it was a nice walk and a good start to the day before I packed the van up and headed for home.

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