desperate to bathe ooh ooh

Zeke was determined to get the monkey aka Ooh Ooh into the bath this evening.... there were great big heaving sobs when I put said monkey on the dry towels to watch from a safe distance.

In other news, I've been wavering between heartbreak and hysterical laughter after Eve requested a change of plan for her birthday cake. She wondered if we could make it a Grandma cake so that Grandma could be at her party instead of heaven. I was genuinely heartbroken that my 3 year old is having to think this stuff through.... but I stifled massive giggles at the thought of my dear Mum in cake form. Imagine the polite chit chat "did you make this cake effigy yourself?" "Do you often craft deceased relatives in cake form?" etc etc. We talked about it and Eve is now confident that Grandma would be really happy with the original cake choice but she still wishes she could come to her party. Me too.

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