Country Road
When The Boss was out this way with yesterday's shot he noticed this road but the sky was a bit DFO (dull Flat and Orrible) so today after lunch (his not mine) we returned. The morning was spent at U3A (University of the Third Age) which was running a series on earthquakes. When Christchurch had the second biggie in February last year The Boss was eating his lunch and I was lying on the polished concrete floor in our entrance. I surprised The Boss by suddenly growling (I surprised myself too) and then we had mini shakies and the doorbell pipes touched so I got really excited and barked my head off. It's OK it is still there. (my head)... Ah...Oh...Anyway at the seminar they talked about waves and The Boss says that "P" waves can sometimes be felt by animals. So there you go. In the past when I had P waves it meant that someone had to open a door but now I have my own Dog Door so no more problems with P waves. I wonder if I should go to U3A and explain this?
Loyal Fans... Still catching up. Have applied for more hours in the day but I think it's a govt department so you know what THAT means.
Stop the car and get out
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