Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Back on the road again, Gifford Water. ;-)

With the bike now fixed, its time to test it out. I decide to head out on the same route I had planned a week ago. So I head up along the East Lothian coast through Gullane, down to Drem, Athelstaneford, Haddington and Gifford. It was quite fast up to that point.

At a spot outside Yester Parish Church I have a wee breather, a photo of Main Street looking east, added as an extra, and the shot above prove I made it thus far. The ride from here was a grind. Totally in to the wind all the way home. However, I did get home safely, rider and bike in one piece. Good job too, as I left my wallet at home. Had something gone wrong, it might have been a long walk.

The afternoon is spent in Stockbridge. It was supposed to be Newington, but an incident on Morningside Rd.

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