
By philmorris

Anker Valley

Near Caldecote, Warwickshire

The bellyache was still with me and I was sleeping like a baby. On Monday, uninterested in meals and feeling whacked all the time, I went to bed around 7:00. Slept like a log with 13 uninterupted hours of kip.

This morning and no better, I made an appointment to see the doc. Nothing serious. She says suspected food poisoning and if I'm sleepy then sleep. Sleep is good for you.

Leaving the surgery, I allowed the car to head north, terminating at Nuneaton just after a bridge over the Coventry Canal. This is a part of the county I rarely trek. I followed the canal for a few miles to Springwood Haven Marina a little north of Camp Hill, and then took a metalled track heading north-east from Wood Bridge towards Caldecote. From the tunnel beneath the railway line the way was of earth, turning muddy and churned with hooves as the river drew into sight, but a 100 yards or so further as dwellings loomed larger, the path became vehicular once more. This is Caldecote Lane where, to the west the river runs through a broad flat valley.

Tuesday was yet another pure blue sky day. Few clouds appeared overhead. If there were any to see, they were just whisps above the horizon.

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