Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Mama's boy

As predicted, no one wanted to get up. I actually had to wake W, which is unheard of. He made his way into our bed for a 'nuggle and promptly went back to sleep.

Seems he had a good day at school, apart from losing his jumper (it has his school council badge on it so I am sure it will turn up), he also had a really good violin practice.

Carys had a day of recycled fashion and has to wear her creation in assembly tomorrow. She was very happy to head off to ballet, although complained of sore legs after, surely she can't be growing again?

I had a lovely ride in the beautiful weather, although my legs weren't happy with me. They best get used to it and quickly is all I can say.

(Will be back blipping the last fortnight as soon as I have caught up with everything else, which may not be all that soon!)

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