Quick blip

Grabbed this quickly this evening before Sim, Bex, Mo and I went off to pub quiz. We were doing really well, even first place for at least a few minutes but the last round is a killer. You can submit as many or as few answers as you wish but one wrong answer and you get no points for that round. So we slid down to 5th place out of 10. All great fun though.

Mr C was going to join us this week but stayed home to help Josh with his skills form for reapplying for his job. The form the TAs have to complete is ridiculously long and a week is really not enough time allowed to do it. Josh must have spent at least 10 hours over the weekend doing it and forwarded it to Mr C to check it, who spent another 4 hours (at work) going through it. They spent this evening making changes and hopefully finalising the form and his personal statement. All incredibly stressful and would have been a lot worse in this household if I had decided to reapply too.

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