New life

We went to a wood we've not been to before. Up on the Downs. Bluebells, wood anemone and ramsoms (wild garlic). It was stunning with a strong easterly wind booming overhead.

At one point I caught some movement and thought it was a pheasant, then a cat, and then saw it was a fox cub. It scampered underground.

We moved to a better vantage point and sat down. We could see the earth but nothing happened. After fifteen or twenty minutes we decided to go. We'd just give it another chance. And then this guy's head emerged and s/he walked out briefly for a look around in the sun. S/he wasn't there long.

This is a cropped down version of one of the four shots I took, the DSLR shutter action sounding ridiculously loud but I guess the wind cloaked the sound.

We got up smelling strongly of wild garlic and walked back to the car.

The extras are a couple of shots of the woodland scene.

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