A moment in time

By Skyegirl

Torshavn, Faroe Islands

We arrived at the Faroe Islands after leaving Iceland and docked at 9.30am in Torshavn. The town looks very Scandinavian with its wooden houses, similar to Iceland, and some of the old ones are turf roofed. We took a tour of the surrounding villages, which was interesting, and our guide, a young man in his thirties, was very informative, and told us a lot about the way of life, as well as his personal story. To welcome us he sang us a Faroese song.

We ended our tour at Kirkjubour, and the church with its turf covered roof. The Faroese trace their Christian roots to the twelfth century.
Singing was a big part of our day, as one of the members of our coach party sang 'How Great Thou Art' in church, which was a magical moment for all of us. It seems that wherever he goes he sings in each church he visits. On our return to the ship, our guide sang us a verse of the Faroese National Anthem. So it was a musical day.

In the evening we were treated once more to the antics of Brenda Collins, before dancing the night away.

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