Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Batty for Lashes

It's only been a couple of weeks since I first introduced you to Jodie but when she waltzed into work today, fresh as a daisy after a 6.00am start, volunteering at Liverpool's latest early morning rave, Morning Gloryville ... I just had to preserve her look for posterity! 
Today's song is, naturally, by Natasha Khan aka Bat for Lashes

I got home to the shocking news of Victoria Wood's death. For me, she embodied all that's best about this country whilst managing to gently mock all that's most ridiculous about it. She made us laugh and cry in very special way. I'll miss her.

PS See also the Extra Photo, snapped through the window of the Bluecoat Gallery. It just amused me.

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