Family cheese

Munchie has been on at me for ages that she needed a family photo for nursery
Snapped this, this morning and really like it

Wom cried - but not as much as last week
Munchie - did really well
Headed to school / preschool

Manic afternoon
Got home
Wom had dropped off to sleep at 3:30 having refused all attempts at sleep from after drinking till then!
Even bigger disaster lees shirts didn't get ironed so grandma has taken then home with her!
Thank you grandma
Woke him at 4:00 for tea

They've both been quite hard work since about 5 as both tired, both want daddy, he's away...

Bath was eventually ok but I did have to use my cross voice
Munchie asleep by 6:30
Woms almost asleep now 7:00

I need to mark two sets of books, eat then get some sleep

Night all

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