Quick Shop!

Friend was very cheerful yesterday, I did raise the two celebrity deaths but she did not relate it to her own situation. Knowing how rough she will be feeling after chemo I decided not to let the cat out the bag and to leave the elephant sitting in the back seat unnoticed.
I had a quick shifty round the market after getting my watch wrist strap replaced. After half an hour and a friendly chat with an elderly lady who was getting her watch sorted, I left with a nurses upside down watch and my original watch strap! No straps in my size, in black, made of plastic and with a silver buckle!  Since I only want it for the allotment I decided a nurses watch was more practical plus I've always wanted one! 
My shifty round the market saw me leaving with 2 clay blue glazed planters and a 1970's flat colourful plastic rooster!! It was so cheery looking I thought it would look good on the coop and act as the token male! At £3 each item I considered them a bargain! 
Next stop Neal's Yard to buy hand cleaner! Once allotment season starts I have dirt / dandelion sap permanently staining the skin, a nail brush and lime juice had failed to shift it so wanted a gardeners scrub I knew they did - only they don't anymore! Sop came out with a hand polish with pomegranate pips in! Worth a try!
I took a snap of the bread store outside the market and as the owner returned and caught me I decided to buy bread for Friend there - but with bits or without? I bought both and a nicely shaped walnut loaf which was the shape of a domed clay pot! 
Next stop supermarket to get food for Friend and the usual farmers shop for shavings and pet shop for locusts! Then the recycling tip where I picked up 6 clay pots for a £1!!!
Friend texted to say she would be ready in 20 mins so back I went. The clinic is on the same site as a primary school and next to a secondary school - I managed to find a place to park but as it was right near the entrance, cars were double parked and coming and going and it was mayhem! If a car was turning in off the main road the cars going out had to reverse to allow them access to the left turn into the carpark.So I stayed in the car incase I would be needed to move. I watched the mothers arrive and leave - fascinating! Most of the mums looked as if they had just left school themselves! The young children were playful and happy and the secondary children so varied. The cool girls carried handbags in the crook of their arms - stylish but impractical for book carrying! There were vintage dressed girls and quirky girls. They all looked intent and serious on being cool!  The boys were not so varied apart from their haircuts, but the younger ones looked so carefree and innocent. It was interesting trying to see the adult that was emerging from them. 
Finally Friend was ready - she had a senior but rarely clinic based clinician doing her pump and she took over 40 mins! We chatted for ages on the way home about a friend who is moving in with her boyfriend after only a few months. We both think she is ill advised! She is our age so should know the Honeymoon rosy tinted glasses are still firmly on and it will take a year before they come off! We decided relinquishing her council house and leaving herself no fall back position is risky - grab at the chance of happiness but always have a B Plan is our thought! I have been thinking of the comment the other day about the past, present and future - the former gone the latter unknowable so the only thing that matters is the now. But I think you learn from the past, prepare for the future as best one can, and enjoy the present! It's rather like gardening - you prepare your beds, decide what to grow and where considering what did well and went where last year, tend it and enjoy it and hopefully feast on the harvest! 

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