Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The Passover lesson ...

... as in teaching Grandma how it gets shared on Snapchat. Modern social media meets the ancient story of the flight of the Jewish people from Egypt. "Everyone looks like us and everyone's table looks like ours!" said the Yoga Mama, which also tends to be true of Christmas pictures and holiday on the beach pictures .... 

I mean on one level we are just ants, aren't we? Homogenous, billions of us all leading the same lives, being born, scratching a living, laughing, weeping, dying, being forgotten. What makes it tolerable is the really interesting thing, as Alain de Botton pointed out in Consolations of Philosophy; love and beautiful things, and traditions and memories that bind us together. And actually we are all unique even if we are all the same; like Schrodinger's cat we are two things at once, a standard product of the human DNA project but each one of us slightly varied. And, as the passover story implies, all entitled ideally to live without persecution, fear, or the need to flee for our lives. A lot of Syrians would get that idea .... 

As well as being Passover, today was also Earth Day. Worth thinking about really; the humanity we show to each other and the way we treat the planet are pretty much the same issue.

The first half of my day was stressful, in the office at 7.30, very intense meetings; the second half was taking some annual leave to go shopping. This is where I found out that I was unique as The Dizzle took me shopping and dressed me up and made me spend lots of money on new clothes. A very fun afternoon, with a really nice outcome. 

I'm not at all like the billions of other people on this planet, even 'though I am. That was my Passover lesson ...

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