Miss her!

Daughter Number 2 sent me a message to say she had got the Little Pressie I sent her. It was only a cheap little scarf but I bought myself one and I wear it to death so I thought both my girls would like one too. 

Had such a long day today and didnt get in till gone 10. The fact a lorry had broken down in lane one of the M25 didnt help especially knowing I still had a 3 hour drive left to do.

But Mr W came to the rescue and had ordered, collected and served up Chinese for exactly the moment I walked in the door!!! I love that man.

So here you have a backblipped image from yesterday of my Sophie Poke who's far to far away for me to cuddle her. Hoping CharlotteJ will do that for me today as Sophie is off to visit her, Chris and their resident Roo! 


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