Philomena comes and goes...
Dear Diary,
The dreaded black flies have appeared, at least 2 weeks early this year. Another indication of the climate change we are experiencing here in the Northeast. Usually it is around Mother's Day that they come out. I had all I could do to get this sequence of shots of Philly running back to her hole with a mouthful of seeds before I too ran for cover!
Thankfully, I have someone coming today to begin doing the edging and cultivating in the garden. I'm not sure how long he can stay today but hopefully he will return and finish next week. He'll be mowing before I know it. Nature has her own schedule and we mere mortals must dance to her beat.
The poison ivy seems much improved this morning. Swelling gone and no more red line running up my arm which is a very good thing. It will be at least a few more days before I can remove the bandages though. Patience is needed now...and an extra pair of hands in the garden! Both of which I have so all is well.
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