Moody stuff!
I'm sure you'll all recognise that I'm using moody in its "shifty" or "hooky" or "dodgy" meaning. And here's the thing. It looks like we're being had over mes amigos. We all know that St George, the patron saint of England, is celebrated on this day but wasn't from around here. No big deal in my world though I think we're too quick to forget the poor dragon in the story. No, my concern relates to the other thing which has had folk getting excited today.
You might have heard that today is the anniversary of Shakespeare's death and also his birth yet this is untrue. Let's look at his going first. the date he died was 23rd April 1616 but it was on the old, pre-decimal, calendar. When we joined the EU (or something) we straightened out the calendar so he actually died in May. Confused yet?
Let us turn to his birth. We don't actually know what day he was born. there is a record of his baptism and from this we can assume that he wasn't completely made up but saying today is his birthday is simply a connivance. And we also hit the Julian Calendar thing so his baptism was in April in old money but May in the new-fangled way of measuring these things.
It's all far more confusing than my head can manage.
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