Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Gone with the wind

(Nikki filling in while Jim is away)

Dada snuck out very early this morning to catch a plane for his work trip this week. Unfortunately both our little rascals heard the click of the front door and decided it was time to get up...at 5am. Ugh.

Surprisingly, we had quite a nice subdued day at home and both kids were in pretty good spirits. The wee man, alas, seems to have caught his sister's cold and was a little bit sad about dada going away, so he wasn't keen to go anywhere. Eventually, I managed to lure them out to the back garden for a bit of fresh air with some bubble action (always works!)

Both kids in bed early and am about to head that way myself as it's difficult to know how the night will unfold. Lately, both kids have been waking in the night and needing us to lay with them to fall back asleep. But since there's only one of me, it could prove tricky!

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