Three in one
National sovereignty and Children's Day in Turkey. "The founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, made a present of April 23 to all the world's children to emphasize that they are successor of the future." Wikipedia.
Aya holds the Turkish flag at Akmerkez shopping centre this morning.
It is also of course, St George's Day, patron saint of England, who not only never visited England, but may actually have been born in Cappadocia, Turkey, according to various sources, including Wikipedia.
And then, it's also Shakespeare's birth and death day - but I couldn't find a "nice" quote by him about children, so it will have to be an extra pic of Probably Harry and 'once more unto the breach' speech from Henry V that ends: "Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George'." All suggestions from any Blipping Bard Buffs for more appropriate quotes for this day are gladly accepted.
Who ever you remember and celebrate today, may it be a day for smiling. Here's something to help, Victoria Wood "Baby Boomers". Sadly missed
For the record: recent warm weather temps around 24ºC now gone West, or somewhere. Not here, that's for sure. The last 36 hours have been so cold that the heating has been turned on !!
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