A letter

From America.

I am blessed to have strong connections to a small and fabulous group of friends from my primary and high school days. We are scattered around, some in the UK and some who have moved to different countries.

Despite the fact that we don't see each other often, social media has been (I think) so positive for us because it allows us to connect on an almost daily basis. I am most definitely grateful for the bond of 30 years and I am thankful for the support and care, along with frequent moments of hilarity, that keep me going.

I am not sure if the fact that we went to an all girls school has made us more connected...I don't know. I do know that it's important to know who your 'tribe' is and to know that we all accept each other unquestioningly.

One of my 'tribe' lives in America. When the post arrived this morning, Corin shouted up "You've got a letter from America from Nancy"

With self deprecating wit, she had written some notes and a card, found me a physics book that completely appeals to the trapped scientist in my head and, best of all, a pair of luminous pink socks from The Kennedy Space Center. (It pains me to spell it that way, but it is a name...)

LUMINOUS (fabulous)

PINK (right there in my favourite colour pallette)

NASA SOCKS. (NASA. My inner space freak went nuts!!!)

I don't ever want to take them off!!! Obviously will have to though.

I might need to transfer some money to her to get me a pair for every day of the week!!!!

THANK YOU Nancy, you made my day.

In other news, Cody came over and collected James and I and drove us over to a watering hole in Bolton for late lunch and a catch up with a couple of colleagues (including the Boss). It felt good to be out of the house for a while. We got back home and James did some guitar demonstrations whilst Cody and I talked utter nonsense. Just like normal. Plans are afoot for a further visit, to include Cards Against Humanity, food and booze. Hopefully before surgery.

I will sleep well tonight.

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