Work, Work, Work

SWMBO has been in bed all day with a migraine.

I got some super pictures sent to me on the phone from No1 son - Butterfly in a bluebell wood ..... at the same tree her mother had some pictures taken at when she was heavily pregnant.

When I went to return a tripod which had been left in the boot of my car yesterday, I got the phone out to show the picture (proud Granddad and all that) ........ and the bloody thing shut down and died. It has been acting up recently so it got taken back to the shop (on the 2nd try - I couldn't get near a car park on the 1st attempt due to cars queuing to get in.)
It took the Guru nearly 45 minutes to (hopefully) sort out the phone. Apparently the 'upgrade' it did a couple of weeks ago didn't upgrade at all - it corrupted!
Now I have a weird new layout to get my head around, things to find and reinstall and prayers to make that the Guru manage to sort out the crap that was in there. He wasn't 100% convinced.

The rest of the day has been spent going through pictures taken yesterday.
Hopefully SWMBO will be better tomorrow so that we can go and do something with out day off (I don't like leaving her alone when she isn't well - she can't be trusted not to need hospitalisation.

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