Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Tits McGee the princess of Wales ...

It's been a day of interesting things ..
Firstly I would like to point out that it we had known it was Prince Charles in that car with the window open we would probably have behaved a little more adult ... (who are we kidding .. ) and secondly it's become apparent that I can channel the late Frankie Howerd ..
Tits McGee and I popped into town late .. We wanted to avoid the main Shakespeare's birthday parade (dead 400 years ago ) and just go take a few photos of the flags and stuff... We tagged into the end of a large crowd down at the RSC and messed about with an old school friend of mine and her husband and their dog who won't walk anywhere unless he's driven by car to a place first ... ANYWAY ... We were all just about to wander off as nothing interesting has occurred when loads of armed police and sniffer dogs turned up ,then plain clothes police with ear pieces in started wandering about looking pensive and a bit fighty... A big posh car with a woman in a massive hat drove past then Tits McGee has an attack of 'commonitis' and squalks 'ooooiohhhhhh are'ya' to the next car thinking she's the funniest thing ever and lo and behold Prince Charles looked bewildered and slightly stunned stares back .. Three of us then do the most peculiar shouty cheery gurgle which in fact he did smile at and then we did this really stupid jig and laughed hysterically... All the time everyone else waiting for either Judi Dench or other actors due to arrive at the RSC were facing the other way and missed it all ... Haaaaaaa !!! I never got a single photo ...AND the best bit is I am not a royalist I don't give a toss !! Why I did a dance and a whoop is beyond me ...

By the way Prince Chuck was within touching distance .. I should have grabbed a sharpie and asked him to autograph my boobs ....

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