Channel Surfing

I was in my kayak, on the water, by 9 a.m. It was 70 degrees F, and partly cloudy. I decided to explore a channel on a local lake. I wasn't actually surfing (as the title suggests)...I was paddling at my leisure.

Movement on my left...(is that port or starboard?) It was either a muskrat or a beaver. (Unless I see the tail...I can't tell.) I took 5-6 crummy pictures, and was in the process of leaving.

Movement on my right...(is that port or starboard?) "IT'S A GREEN HERON!!!" I slowly approached through the lily pads. I would like to say that no lilies were hurt in the taking of this picture...but I try not to lie.

It must have been a juvenile, because he was in no hurry to leave. I took 338 shots of him...first from 20 feet...then 15...then 10-12 feet away. I couldn't get any closer, then...I was mired in the muck.

I loved this pose when I saw it on the computer. You'll have to put it in LARGE to get a better look at the stretch-out eye. Nothing quite like a good stretch.

On my flickr page...I put on some other channel finds. More of the heron...a turtle...and some ducklings. The ducklings got separated from Mom, and in the picture... while they may look serene...they were freaking out. I thought a duckling rescue might be in order, but Mom thankfully returned.

When I finish here...I'm heading to Google to study some boating terms. I don't like to come off as some sort of Doofus who doesn't know his left from his right. The only boating term I do know is one that I wish I didn't. Two words...MAN OVERBOARD!!!!

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