
By Mems

Fan boy

The other half relived his younger years this evening watching Suggs tell his life story through words and music.
I must admit I was apprehensive at first but the guy is hilarious- great comic timing. An evening well spent.
The day was great- spent the morning visiting a friend and her beautiful little daughter who is absolutely hilarious.
The afternoon saw me spending three hours in the tattooist's chair having my sleeve finished! It has only taken a year! I received two freebie t-shirts for my loyality and for being a good 'sitter'- my pain threshold is high, apparently.
Much to my mam's dismay, I'm booked in for November to start the next project on the other arm.
Home, quick shower and out to Suggs.
Met a friend for a drink afterwards and after an hilarious event in the car park, involving a barrier and a grit box - I hope there is no cctv!

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