You-Know-Who In Paradise

Our eleven o'clock walkie today through the sheep meadow was uneventful, me being on my lead like a good dog citizen. Sunny but rather chilly, mum keeping an eye out for snakes as always. And then we heard a scream! A loud scream, coming from the small gravel road between the two sheep meadows, in the direction we were headed to. Two girls and a dog went on their way from a spot on the roadside. We carefully stepped closer, and - there it was! A big fat black poisonous snake, curled up in the sunshine like it owned the place. Yikes :-(
Mum refused to even take a picture.

I snoozed while mum went shopping. As long as I have had a good walk, even if I do like them better snake free, I don't mind if she leaves me in the afternoon. It turned out she had gotten high value stuff like prawns and raspberry mousse that we had for dinner. Worth the wait!

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