
By pattons6

My big sister

You can just about see my big sister behind us. We were all ready for bed after a lovely big pizza for dinner we all sat in the living room as a treat to watch tv. We had a few treats and some crisps.

Today we went to the shops. Well one shop, CostCo. We had lunch before we went but we should have left it. There were so many samples, cake, burger, lasagne, cheese, ham, sweets and bread. We all had some of everything. We were stuffed but as we left it started hail stoning. It's April.

Daddy's working again tonight so mummy's on her own. My baby sister is not well. She has a horrible cough. Tonight she was sick. Mummy had her cleaned up, changed and ready for bed again in 15 minutes. She got herself and the floor cleaned before getting my sister off to bed.

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