Life with The Pinks

By suzypink


Master Pink had a decision to make, go to a cubs sleepover with his friends, and go iceskating and have a McDonalds, OR come to his sister's birthday party at Build-a-bear. He chose the cubs. And he had a brilliant time. We dropped him off at 11.45, and then headed into town for Miss Pink's party. We met her friends at the shop, and met Ella our host, who did an amazing job. The children all got to make a bear each, and then choose an outfit for it. We also played games and did a wish ceremony for Miss Pink's cuddly horse. I chose this photo not because it's particularly good, but because Miss Pink was blowing out the candle on her "birthday cake" with the whole shop singing happy birthday to her! 
We went for hot chocolate and birthday cake afterwards and then a ride on the teacups before we went home.
She was such a happy girl when I tucked her up at bedtime, cuddling her pony "sunset". 

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