Sail away to the Isle of May

The Isle of May is a place I really want to visit when I get a chance. I have to be off work and the weather has to be nice. A rather rare combination that sometimes happens...

This was my last holiday day. The weather was nice, which was good. I had a long lie in; however, I still had a headache from the long travels on Saturday. I had to take so many buses yesterday that today I just couldn't face taking another one. I wanted to go to St Andrews but I didn't go for this reason. I just went outside to go for a walk and enjoy a bit of the sunshine.

I had many things to do, but I was still in a lazy holiday mood, so I just got round doing half of them.

In the evening I decided to go to the pub. It's taken me four months to gather the guts to go to a pub in Anstruther on my own... The thing is, on Sundays there's always live music in a pub near where I live and every Sunday I say I will go, but I never do because I feel too self-conscious to go there on my own. But today I thought 'What the heck!' I want to listen to live music, so I will go. And I did! I had a great time! :)

Getting ready now for my first day back to work tomorrow... wish me luck!

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I hope you all had a nice weekend! :)

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